Overview of Testnet: https://kowala.tech/testnet/
System docs: https://docs.kowala.tech/
Source code: https://github.com/kowala-tech/kcoin
How to build:
The client source code has no dependencies, and it will set up its own build environment. To build, follow these 2 steps: Install Go (see https://golang.org/doc/install);
Run: `git clone git@github.com:kowala-tech/kcoin.git; cd kcoin; make`
Download of binary client files:
Network Stats:
Testnet: TBD
Mainnet: https://kusd.kowala.tech/
Block explorer:
Testnet: TBD
Mainnet: https://explorer.kusd.kowala.tech/home
Testnet Only: TBD
Wallet: Currently, there are 2 wallets for kUSD:
COMMAND-LINE CLIENT: The command-line client allows the maintenance of multiple accounts with public/private key pairs. This client has the same interface as the Ethereum Go client described at https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Managing-your-accounts
HARDWARE WALLET: We have launched a secure wallet app that runs on the Ledger Nano S device. See https://kowala.tech/tutorials/ledger/
API Info:
The code for kUSD and other kCoins was originally forked off of the Ethereum codebase so the RPC API and smart contract interface are identical to those of Ethereum's Go client. See https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum